If you want a balanced super simple dinner for a busy weeknight your kids will actually like and eat, this DIY Hamburger Helper is it. My oldest even asked for it as a snack this past weekend!


  • 1 bag pasta of choice
  • 1 can pumpkin
  • Chicken broth (enough to boil pasta)
  • 1 1/2 c milk of choice
  • 2 TBS butter
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 2 c shredded sharp shedder
  • 1 TBS all purpose seasoning (I always use Tony’s)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Boil pasta in chicken broth per directions on package.
  2. While pasta is cooking, combine milk and butter in a sauce pan until butter is melted and starting to bubble along the edges.
  3. Add cheeses in small batches melting thoroughly in between.
  4. Once fully combined, add pumpkin.
  5. Drain pasta minus 1/4 c broth.
  6. Pour cheesy pumpkin over pasta, mix well, and serve!